Animal Success Stories
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Roscoe We absolutely adore Roscoe and we have the best time with him! Roscoe has become a huge bum in the mornings and refuses to go outside to use the bathroom before 9am...sometimes later. Roscoe loves when we go to the dog park and is obsessed with chasing all of his "friends" as they run after balls or frisbees. He is the biggest baby I know and NEEDS to have your full attention at all times or he gets sad. Haha. We don't have any children, but he has been around my 6 month old nephew and does great!
Reba Hello! Freya (formerly known as Reba) has been with us for several weeks. After our dog of 13 years passed, life just wasn't the same without a dog in the home. We spent quite a lot of time reading about dogs for adoption and when we came across Freya's profile, we thought she sounded like the perfect match for us. The first night we met her, she cuddled right into bed with us and has slept by our sides every night since. She's very patient and gentle with my 4 year old son. Her favorite past time is staring at the fish in our saltwater aquarium. She's also very attached to her people; following us wherever we go...all day...she's right on our heels or in our laps. After adopting Freya, I don't think we would ever choose to do anything other than adoption in the future (maybe we will have to get a friend for Freya one of these days). DITR made the process easy and convenient. The staff are friendly and obviously love dogs and love what they do. We couldn't be happier with our choice to adopt from DITR.
Ralphie Just thought I'd give you an update on Ralphie. We've had him for four months now, and he is 9 months old! At least I think so. In February we started Jump Start Obedience at the Red River North Dog Obedience Club. We have been having so much fun! He loves to meet all the other dogs and people, and his cute face gets him tons of treats. He likes to sit right in front of them with one ear up and the other flopped down and treats rain from the sky! He has been a bit excitable (not in a bad way, just a high-energy puppy) since we adopted him, but as he has grown older and we've worked with him his responsiveness has increased tremendously. Once his little mind matures, he will have incredible focus! Right now we are dealing with a "hormone surge," so it's been both frustrating and amusing at the same time. He likes to mark every upright structure, and he likes to mount the neighbor's dog. But, this too shall pass, lol! I'm not too worried about it, we just can't take him to any dog parks until his 'inappropriate' behavior goes away haha! The next class I am attending with Ralphie is Beginning Obedience, and after that I hope to start agility with him. We get to use some of the agility equipment in his current class, and he is so brave going through the tunnels and jumping through hoops! In the times we are listening to the instructor or waiting our turn for the obstacles he likes to bark and try to go say hi to everybody (also slowly getting better) but when we are working he focusses on the next obstacle or the next trick. I have high hopes for him! I have been getting Ralphie used to the bicycles as well. He wasn't sure about them at first, but now he doesn't really care what I do with them as long as he is getting treats. We have a bit before he is mature enough to go for rides with us, so I've been using that time to make sure he is completely comfortable with the bikes and each of us riding them. He doesn't like it when Chris gets on his bike and starts to ride away, or when Chris is loading a bike into the pickup for some reason, but I'm pretty sure it can be solved with lots of treats, haha! Ralphie also enjoys playing with his best friend Marco, one of the other neighbor dogs. She is a 5 month old spaniel of some sort, and they both have tons of energy so they get to play for an hour after everyone gets home from work. They poop each other out! Its a wonderful setup, haha. I will try to send some pictures later, but apparently they are not syncing from my phone to my computer! Thanks, Kelsey Neisen
Penny Penny is part of the family! Everyone loves her energy and smiley face. She loves her Uncle Clyde (my parents' St. Bernard) and is sweet and welcoming to any animal that walks her way. There are no children in our house, however when on walks or hikes, she is always kind when a small hand goes towards her. I will be moving to Superior this week and there will be new adventures for Penny and I- a new scenic change from our small town living we are used to. We will be exploring around Lake Superior this coming fall and winter! I've attached some pictures of Penny (-: Thanks again for giving me the opportunity and privilege of owning such a loyal, sweet pup I get to call my own! Alyssa Ellegaard
Pearl Hi, Pearl has been doing great! We have loved having her in our home. She has been an amazing addition to our family. Our two boys, 7 and 11, love her and she, them. Pearl has been a calm, patient and loving little dog. Even in larger family settings, she has been nothing but perfect. She loves people, loves attention. Wherever she came from before we met her, we can tell she was a happy, well-adjusted and well-treated dog. Kelly Click a letter to find an animal or view all.