Animal Success Stories
Diamonds Are FureverPlease visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Doug Doug is awesome! He listens well, doesn't care when company comes over, plays with our other pup well and really seems to enjoy "farm" life ( we have cats, goats, horses and a couple more dogs) Doug sleeps in bed, on the couch and has a custom made dog bed from Kat's Kozy Kots for Kritters! He had to go to the vet the other day and a little girl, maybe a year old, came straight to Doug, laid her head on him and he thought that was pretty neat! He's just a really great dog and nothing seems to faze him so far! Our son and Doug get along great (although he's "my" dog) ;) We can't wait to take him camping and other fun things this summer! Thank you DITR for letting us adopt him! |