Animal Success Stories
Diamonds Are FureverPlease visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Reba Hello! Freya (formerly known as Reba) has been with us for several weeks. After our dog of 13 years passed, life just wasn't the same without a dog in the home. We spent quite a lot of time reading about dogs for adoption and when we came across Freya's profile, we thought she sounded like the perfect match for us. The first night we met her, she cuddled right into bed with us and has slept by our sides every night since. She's very patient and gentle with my 4 year old son. Her favorite past time is staring at the fish in our saltwater aquarium. She's also very attached to her people; following us wherever we go...all day...she's right on our heels or in our laps. After adopting Freya, I don't think we would ever choose to do anything other than adoption in the future (maybe we will have to get a friend for Freya one of these days). DITR made the process easy and convenient. The staff are friendly and obviously love dogs and love what they do. We couldn't be happier with our choice to adopt from DITR. |