Greta's Web Page

Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie  : :  Female  : :  Adult  : :  Small

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About Greta

  • Status: Adopted! | View Greta's Success Story!
  • Adoption Fee: $200.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
  • Current Age: 11 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Grooming Needs: Moderate

Foster Home Feedback:


We picked Greta up from the pound on 03/26. The pound staff reported Greta really didn't like to go potty outside and that she urinated in her kennel at the pound. They also reported she was a little, vocal :) The first day at our house Greta was indeed a little vocal in the kennel. The first time she was in her kennel, she barked for about two hours, non-stop. However, every time she has went in there since there has been very minor barking. She slept in there overnight with out a peep! We have had some mixed results with her potty training. She did have an accident overnight in her kennel, and one this morning on the way to go outside. However, she kept her kennel clean all of yesterday and hasn't had any other accidents yet this morning. My suspicion is that she is fully potty trained and these accidents are due to an adjustment period. Greta did also have ear mites that she was treated for at the pound that should no longer be contagious.

She is very, very sweet. Greta loves to sit and cuddle on your lap and will give you all sorts of kisses and wag her tail. She is in a house with big and little dogs and is non-reactive to them. She seems a little scared of the big dogs- but I don't blame her! At 6lbs I am sure 80lb dogs are terrifying :) Greta's ideal home includes a family that understands there will be a transition period for her and are OK with some barking and a few potty accidents and loves to snuggle!

More about Greta

Good with Dogs

Other Pictures of Greta (click to see larger version):
